How effective is a centre pivot as an irrigation tool?
Read in magazine Unpacking centre pivot irrigation systems With water being a valuable asset, water management for an irrigation farmer is one of the most important aspects of their farming…
Read in magazine Unpacking centre pivot irrigation systems With water being a valuable asset, water management for an irrigation farmer is one of the most important aspects of their farming…
Read in magazine Is technological development with centre pivots a luxury or essential? Can the use of technologically advanced products with pivots or the upgrading of existing pivots bring about…
Read in magazine Protect your income and remain competitive by ensuring proper maintenance of your orchard irrigation system In the world of farming, investing in orchards and permanent crops is…
In the recent case of Lotter NO v Minister of Water and Sanitation and Others (8 November 2021), the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) found that section 25 of the National Water…
The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) has met with young people and emerging farmers to discuss various issues affecting them in the water sector. During a seminar held in…
Agricultural industry organisation AgriSA has welcomed the decision by the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) acting director-general Deborah Mochotlhi to give regional DWS offices and catchment management agencies the power to issue water-use…